Monday, 24 October 2011

Eid ul Azha- Allah's Order

By no means shall you attain Al-Birr (piety, righteousness, etc., it means here Allah's Reward, i.e. Paradise), unless you spend (in Allah's Cause) of that which you love; and whatever of good you spend, Allah knows it well.(3:92)
Haj e Bait Ullah
Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S) was an old man having an only young boy Harzat Ismael (A.S). He receives Allah's order in his dream to slaughter his boy for the will of Allah. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S), Hazrat Hajra and Hazrat Ismael (A.S) happily accept the Command of Allah.

Ye Faiezan e Nazar tha k maktab ki karamat thi
Sikhaey kis ny Ismael(A.S) ko aadab e farzandi

Shaitan is their all the way to whisper in order to create hinderance for the purpose. Beauty of belief in Allah's Order, having Faith in Allah's Order, Submitting oneself to Allah and Surrender infront of Allah's Command are the components of Islam.

Lessons to be learned;
For Old People, Hazrat Ibrahim's (A.S) Faith is the example of submitting everything; every will in the way of Allah.
For Females, Eman of Hazrat Hajira is there as a true live example of accepting Allah's Order.
For Youth, Hazrat Ismael's (A.S) surrender infront of Allah Almighty, All Wise, All Merciful-is reminding that for those having faith no pain, no lose is meaningful in the way of Allah Subhan na ho wa ta'alah. 

"Say, verily my prayer, my (service of sacrifice), my life and death are for Allah, the Lord of the worlds.(162:6)"